What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Both David and I have used videos to record the feedback of our music video and our ancillery tasks. We done this so we could pick out key points from our feedback and responses to our work so that they dont become bias and there will be no influence on our behalves and rather straight from the audience. We have catorgorised our video into three different one's; The final cut, the magaizine advert and the digipack. We also took it in turns to interview each member.
Feedback for the Final Cut of the our music video
The question we asked was "What do you think about our music video?". Our first response from a sixth form student is that "I really like it, i think it's got a really good story". This shows we have captured the conventions of our narrative as she was able to understand what was going on. Also it "The narratice was really good because it shows the relationshop between the couple and the breakdown of the relationship" shows that not only has she underrstood our narrtive, but she has acknowledged that the breakdown of the relationship. This was due to our narrative being "really well structured". Thus showing the target audience understands the story behind the song.
One of the best parts of our music video, reffered by another student at sixth form, was when i was "playing the piano in the studio". This shows the audience accepts the pianoist as much as the leadsinger even though he is shoadowed by the lead singer in the performance. A critiscism was that that I the lead singer, "was just moving my hands" rather than playing the keyboard. This is something we would change if we had more footage or more time to develop and perfect. I was glad to see that the audience accepted and acknowledged the narrative being in speia as a "flashback" which was exactly the effect we were tyrying to do. When asking what the student would changed he replied with "No because it shows that it is a flashback and that hes singing about his feelings". Thus showing we have obtained the narrative's story.
The last student says there is a "good performance aswell so the artist could get loads of facial recognition". This shows we have a balance of performance and narrative as we intercutted our fragmented narritve within a performance and there is a good balance. He also mentions "there is no rapid movement in the shots or editing which goes with the song". This was done on purpose to show emotion to such a powerful song and if it was sped up then it would look more of a pop or R n B genre and would not have gone well with the tempo of the song.
Feedback for the Magazine Advert
This is the respoonse to what the audience thought about our magazine advert which is all summed up to be "realistic"
"I thought it looks very profesional, i like the simple apple like text" We were going for a simple yet effective magazine advert which our audience understood. The first student like "the red and the black fade" the best "creating more attention to the artist" which gives our band more facial recognition and caputures more views due to the contrast of colours. Also "the album out moday" with "the apple like text" worked well for us as it illustrated realism of the advert.
"The font's really good, it goes with the style of your magazine" The font we used is my riad which was an apple font making it look simple and professional which was one of the main areas the audience liked. They also said that "the pictures are really good and it goes with the target audience". When asked would you be able to iodentify our genre from the magazine advert the student said "yeah deifnatly, i can tell that its from a rock/metal genre" which means our magazine advert successfull as we have captured the conventions of our genre due to our audience identifying it through our advert.
The last student liked how we had our reviews from "a magazine which is specific to rock, rather than just general music like kerrang is specific to rock". This shows that our target market was noticed with our reviews from the established rock/metal magazines. Thus showing we have targetd our audience well.
Feedpack for our Digipack
This is a respone to what the audience liked about our digipack.
The first student liked the front cover and the "effect you had on both the artists face, it makes it look like they got tattoos all over there face " This shows that the audience like the effect we put on the images rather than just leaving it plain. Also the editing was done to make it look like they had "tattoos all over there face" to appeal to the conventions of metal and rock showing the understanding of generics of our music genre. He also like the back cover which was the lead singer's face faded out which was "mystefying". He thinks our tracklist is "the best ive seen" as we put it around the pentagram which we also had on the front cover.
The second student likes the font and the pentagram beacause of the "symbolism" identifying the genre of the album. Also he likes the fact we have parental adivsery as it shows "what kind of content will be in the album"
All theee students like the track listing on the back of the album as it was a creative way to put the tracks rather than having the tracks listed one below the other.
Directors Commentary of my Final Cut
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